My grandma passed away this evening at exactly 6:00 pm. She has been dying for the past few months now. She hasn't been sick or have any diseases, just of old age and loneliness I think.
She had a very good and fulfilling life. She would have been 85 on Halloween. She LOVED and lived for her quilting. She was a wonderful crafter her whole life.
I am saddened by her death, but I think it is more for my mother and her other siblings. I am not as saddened by death as I have been in the past. I have learned that death is not anything bad. I am happy to see that she is no longer laying in a bed, in an empty room, lonely and all alone.
I lost my dad when I was 7 and she has MANY other friends that proceaded her into heaven. My mom and I were talking on the way home that she is probably up there playing Yahtzee with Vera. I said "probably. She probably yelled YAHTZEE when grandma went through the gates."
I love you grandma, and I am glad that you are finally home. Give my dad a hug and a kiss and tell him that I love him. I am not going to tell you goodbye, but I will tell you Goodnight Grandma, I love you, sweet dreams and please keep us safe. Tell everyone I love and miss them too. I hope you are happy and out of pain now. I love you!
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